Kids and Glasses Aren't Scary with AERS Eyewear Retainers!

Kids and Glasses Don’t Need to Be a Scary Combination
When kids get their first pair of glasses, it can be a harrowing experience for parents. Almost everyone can tell family stories about how frames got bent, lenses cracked, or injuries that can happen from sharp points.
Children with strong prescriptions might need to wear their glasses all of the time. If the diagnosis is for nearsightedness or farsightedness, then the frames might only need to be on for specific activities.
If kids take glasses on and off all of the time, there is an excellent chance that they will disappear. Spending hundreds of dollars on replacement frames and lenses isn’t a feasible solution for most families.
That’s why AERS is such a great product to consider. It reduces the risk of a child losing their glasses for an affordable price. It also looks a lot better than those chains that Grandma and Grandpa used to wear.
How to Help Your Kids Get Excited About Wearing Glasses
If your child is less than impressed with the idea of wearing glasses, then have an honest conversation with them about how they feel. There can be a lot of questions or worries they have, especially if they’re only looking at the negative aspects of wearing them.
Then you can try these techniques to generate some excitement around the idea of sporting some awesome frames!
- Let your child choose the frames they wear.
Some parents suggest frames based on their preferences instead of allowing their kids to choose for themselves. If your child doesn’t like that option, then you’ll receive more resistance to the idea of wearing glasses. Most providers offer several different kid-friendly choices so that everyone can find something that suits their personality. Letting
- Take things one step at a time.
Wearing glasses is a new habit that some children don’t like to embrace. If you take small steps at first instead of forcing a significant change on them, it can be a happier experience. You can start by asking your child to wear their new frames for just 15 minutes per day. As they start getting used to the feeling, then they often want to wear them even more.
- Alleviate worries about wearing glasses.
Kids are often wondering what their friends will think about their new look. Adding more pressure by telling them the cost of their glasses can increase the risk of losing them. That’s why a product like AERS is a simple, yet practical investment. When your child has a tool that helps them keep their glasses secure, and it also looks good, then you have a winning combination.
- Show off the celebrities that already wear glasses.
There are plenty of famous people who already wear glasses. If your child loves an artist or athlete who wears them, then show off those looks. It only takes one Google search to prove that lots of people wear frames every day.
- Let your child’s teacher know about the change.
Unless you have young children at home who need to start wearing glasses, you’re probably not with your kids during every hour of the day. It helps to let teachers know about the new frames so that some positive encouragement can happen in the classroom.
It also helps to purchase two sets of eyeglasses for kids. When there is a pair at school and one for at home, you can get around the excuses about forgetting their frames at school.
- Keep checking in about how your kids are feeling.
Some children will decide to wear their glasses every day because they know it’s something you want them to do. They might secretly hate wearing the frames, but then not say anything about their feelings.
Keep checking in with them to see how they are doing. It will give you a chance to see if the glasses still fit comfortably, and if your child is caring for them appropriately.
How Else Can I Help My Children with Their New Glasses?
Most eye doctors have some experience with children who are less-than-happy about the idea of wearing glasses. If you’ve tried these suggestions without much success, then partnering with your provider to see if there are any specific ideas they’ve used could help to make the transition easier for everyone.
Your child might not like their glasses because it causes them discomfort. You may wish to check with your provider to see if a better fit is achievable.
Then you can alleviate their worries about losing their glasses by using a product like AERS. The snug fit this product provides can get them through recess and their physical education classes, and there won’t be any excuses about missing frames when they come home in the afternoon!